

M. Negro et al. M. Negro, M. Devetta, D. Facciala, S. De Silvestri, C. Vozzi, S. Stagira “High-order harmonic spectroscopy for molecular imaging of polyatomic molecules” Faraday Discuss. 171, 133-143 (2014)
O. Vendrell et al. O. Vendrell, J. Kuepper, M. Wolf, H. Chapman, M. Chergui, K. Reid, K. von Haeften, R. Moshammer, G. Williams, A. Tehlar, G. Dixit, H. J. Woerner, J. Underwood, J. Marangos, M. Woerner, C. Bressler, M. Minitti, A. Kirrander, C. Vozzi, D. Rolles “Chemical reaction dynamics I and electron dynamics in molecules: general discussion” Faraday Discuss. 171, 145-168 (2014)


D. Shafir et al. D. Shafir, H. Soifer, C. Vozzi, A. S. Johnson, A. Hartung, Z. Dube, D. M. Villeneuve, P. B. Corkum, N. Dudovich, A. Staudte “Trajectory-Resolved Coulomb Focusing in Tunnel Ionization of Atoms with Intense, Elliptically Polarized Laser Pulses” Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 023005 (2013)
F. Frassetto et al. F. Frassetto, S. Bonora, C. Vozzi, S. Stagira, E. Zanchetta, G. Della Giustina, G. Brusatin, L. Poletto “Active-grating monochromator for the spectral selection of ultrashort pulses” Opt. Express 21, 12996-13004 (2013)
D. Fazzi et al. D. Fazzi, F. Scotognella, A. Milani, D. Brida, C. Manzoni, E. Cinquanta, M. Devetta, L. Ravagnan, P. Milani, F. Cataldo, L. Lueer, R. Wannemacher, J. Cabanillas-Gonzalez, M. Negro, S. Stagira, C. Vozzi “Ultrafast spectroscopy of linear carbon chains: the case of dinaphthylpolyynes” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 9384-9391 (2013)
M. Nisoli et al. M. Nisoli, S. Stagira, G. Sansone, F. Calegari, C. Vozzi, S. De Silvestri “Current frontiers of ultrafast and high field optics: Attosecond science” Riv. Nuovo Cimento 36, 105-172 (2013)


B. Mahieu et al. B. Mahieu, S. Coraggia, C. Callegari, M. Coreno, G. De Ninno, M. Devetta, F. Frassetto, D. Garzella, M. Negro, C. Spezzani, C. Vozzi, S. Stagira, L. Poletto “Full tunability of laser femtosecond high-order harmonics in the ultraviolet spectral range” Appl. Phys. B-Lasers Opt. 108, 43-49 (2012)
F. Calegari et al. F. Calegari, M. Lucchini, M. Negro, C. Vozzi, L. Poletto, O. Svelto, S. De Silvestri, G. Sansone, S. Stagira, M. Nisoli “Temporal gating methods for the generation of isolated attosecond pulses” J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45, 074002 (2012)
S. Bonora et al. S. Bonora, F. Frassetto, S. Coraggia, M. Coreno, M. Negro, M. Devetta, C. Vozzi, S. Stagira, L. Poletto “Optimization of low-order harmonic generation by exploitation of a resistive deformable mirror” Appl. Phys. B-Lasers Opt. 106, 905-909 (2012)
C. Vozzi et al. C. Vozzi, M. Negro, S. Stagira “Strong-field phenomena driven by mid-infrared ultrafast sources” J. Mod. Opt. 59, 1283-1302 (2012)
V. Tosa et al. V. Tosa, C. Altucci, K. Kovacs, M. Negro, S. Stagira, C. Vozzi, R. Velotta “Isolated Attosecond Pulse Generation by Two-Mid-IR Laser Fields” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 18, 239-247 (2012)


M. Negro et al. M. Negro, C. Vozzi, K. Kovacs, C. Altucci, R. Velotta, F. Frassetto, L. Poletto, P. Villoresi, S. De Silvestri, V. Tosa, S. Stagira “Gating of high-order harmonics generated by incommensurate two-color mid-IR laser pulses” Laser Phys. Lett. 8, 875-879 (2011)
C. Vozzi et al. C. Vozzi, M. Negro, F. Calegari, G. Sansone, M. Nisoli, S. De Silvestri, S. Stagira “Generalized molecular orbital tomography” Nat. Phys. 7, 822-826 (2011)
F. Calegari et al. F. Calegari, M. Lucchini, K. S. Kim, F. Ferrari, C. Vozzi, S. Stagira, G. Sansone, M. Nisoli “Quantum path control in harmonic generation by temporal shaping of few-optical-cycle pulses in ionizing media” Phys. Rev. A 84, 041802 (2011)
I. S. Lopez et al. I. S. Lopez, S. K. Rajendran, G. Corbelli, C. Ghisleri, P. Milani, L. Ravagnan, M. Pasini, S. Stagira, T. Virgili “Local nanotailoring of polymeric photophysics by Au nanoparticles implantation” Cryst. Res. Technol. 46, 833-835 (2011)
C. Vozzi et al. C. Vozzi, M. Negro, F. Calegari, S. Stagira, K. Kovacs, V. Tosa “Phase-matching effects in the generation of high-energy photons by mid-infrared few-cycle laser pulses” New J. Phys. 13, 073003 (2011)
G. Cerullo et al. G. Cerullo, A. Baltuska, O. D. Muecke, C. Vozzi “Few-optical-cycle light pulses with passive carrier-envelope phase stabilization” Laser Photon. Rev. 5, 323-351 (2011)
S. Coraggia et al. S. Coraggia, F. Frassetto, J. A. Aznarez, J. I. Larruquert, J. A. Mendez, M. Negro, S. Stagira, C. Vozzi, L. Poletto “Carbon coatings for extreme-ultraviolet high-order laser harmonics” Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A-Accel. Spectrom. Dect. Assoc. Equip. 635, S43-S46 (2011)
N. D. Ouart et al. N. D. Ouart, A. S. Safronova, A. Y. Faenov, T. A. Pikuz, S. V. Gasilov, F. Calegari, M. Nisoli, S. De Silvestri, S. Stagira, L. Poletto, P. Villoresi “Analysis of the simultaneous measurements of iron K- and L-shell radiation from ultrashort laser produced plasmas” J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 065602 (2011)


C. Vozzi et al. C. Vozzi, R. Torres, M. Negro, L. Brugnera, T. Siegel, C. Altucci, R. Velotta, F. Frassetto, L. Poletto, P. Villoresi, S. De Silvestri, S. Stagira, J. P. Marangos “High harmonic generation spectroscopy of hydrocarbons” Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 241103 (2010)